Figure 7. Glc7-Bud14 promotes Bfa1 dephosphorylation in anaphase.
(A) Bfa1-3HA Gal1-UPL-Tem1-containing lte1∆ and lte1∆ bud14∆ cells grown in galactose-containing medium were released from alpha factor-imposed G1 arrest (t = 0) into an alpha factor-free medium supplemented with glucose to achieve Tem1 depletion, and samples were collected at indicated time points. Bfa1-3HA mobility shift was analyzed via western blotting using anti-HA antibodies. Red arrow indicates hyperphosphorylated forms of Bfa1-3HA, whereas blue arrow indicates hypophosphorylated forms of Bfa1-3HA. Percentage of cells with single nucleus (1 DAPI) and two separate nuclei (2 DAPI) were plotted as a marker for cell cycle progression. (B) Indicated time points of each cell type from the experiment shown in (A) were loaded side-by-side for better comparison of Bfa1-3HA mobility. (C) Bfa1-3HA mobility in Gal1-UPL-TEM1 or cdc5-10-bearing LTE1 BUD14 or lte1∆bud14∆ cells. Percentage of cells with two separate nuclei (% 2 DAPI) are indicated as a measure of cells in anaphase. Cells were first arrested in G1, then released from the G1 arrest and cultured for 90 min before sample collection. Gal1-UPL-Tem1 cells were treated as in (A) to achieve the anaphase arrest, whereas anaphase arrest of cdc5-10 cells was achieved through growth at 37°C. (D) cdc15-as-bearing cells bearing BUD14 or Gal1-BUD14 at the Bud14 endogenous locus were grown to log-phase in raffinose-containing medium, treated with 1NM-PP1 for 2,5 hr followed by galactose addition (t0) to the medium. Samples were collected at 0 hr, 2 hr, and 3 hr after galactose addition and Bfa1 mobility was analyzed. Percentage of cells with two separate nuclei (% 2 DAPI) is indicated as a measure of cells in anaphase. (E) cdc15-as bud14∆ cells with BUD14-9myc, Gal1-BUD14-9myc, or Gal1-bud14-F379A-9myc integrated at the chromosomal leu2 locus were grown to log-phase in raffinose-containing medium, treated with 1NM-PP1 for 3 hr, followed by galactose addition (t0) to the medium. Samples were collected at 0 hr, 1 hr, 2 hr, and 3 hr after galactose addition and Bfa1 mobility was analyzed. Percentage of cells with two separate nuclei (% 2 DAPI) is indicated as a measure of cells in anaphase. (F) Quantification of relative levels of hypersphosphorylated Bfa1 from the experiment shown in (E). Band intensity ratio of slow-migrating forms to fast-migrating forms of Bfa1 is plotted. (G) In vitro phosphatase assay of immunoprecipitated Glc7-TAP on IgG beads is incubated with Bfa1-3HA purified from BFA1-3HA Gal1-UPL-TEM1 kin4∆ cells in the presence or absence of 1.5 µM okadaic acid. As a no Glc7-TAP control, IgG beads incubated with cell lysates of ESM356-1 were used. Glc7-TAP levels were detected using anti-TAP antibodies. Bfa1-3HA was detected using anti-HA antibodies. Red and blue arrows indicate slow-migrating and fast-migrating forms of Bfa1-3HA, respectively. Quantification of relative levels of hypersphosphorylated Bfa1 is shown on the right. Each color represents a different independent experiment. One-way ANOVA with uncorrected Fisher’s LSD was applied for statistical analysis. **p<0.01, ****p<0.0001.