FIG. 3.
.Thioglycolate-elicited monocyte extravasation in wt and CX3CR1GFP/GFP mice. (A) Flow cytometric analysis of peritoneal lavage of CX3CR1GFP/GFP mice. The lower panel shows GFP expression profiles of gated populations, i.e., resident macrophages (control) and elicited monocytes/macrophages (day 1 and day 3). Dashed lines, wt; solid lines, CX3CR1+/GFP cells. Note the absence of GFP expression in resident macrophages (control) and the transient appearance of neutrophils (CD11b+ Gr1high) day 1 postinjection. (B) Quantitative analysis of peritoneal lavages of wt and CX3CR1-deficient mice. B cells were defined as being CD19+, neutrophils were defined as being Gr1high CD11b+, and monocytes/macrophages were defined as being CD11b+ Gr1low-negative. Data represent mean (± standard deviation) of age-matched wt BALB/c mice (n = 3 per time point) and CX3CR1GFP/GFP BALB/c mice (N6) (n = 2 per time point).