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. 2021 Oct 27;12:711333. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.711333


Summary statistics of RNA sequencing results.

Group Total raw reads Total clean reads Multiple mapped Uniquely mapped Q20 (%) GC (%)
T1 42,715,073 42,665,359 1590077 36,257,139 97.52 44.06
T3 42,178,983 42,133,136 1714520 35,188,196 97.42 43.43
T5 41,263,831 41,214,037 1614049 35,218,029 97.50 43.86

Multiple mapped: statistics of the number of sequences with multiple alignment positions on the reference sequence; Uniquely mapped: statistics of the number of sequences with unique alignment positions on the reference sequence.