FIG. 5.
Identification of a functional NLS in IRF-3. HEC-1B cells were transfected with GFP–wt IRF-3 (wt), GFP–IRF-3 (KR 77/78 NG), or GFP–IRF-3 (KR 77/78 NG plus IL 139/140 MM), and cells either were left untreated (a, b, and c) or were infected with NDV (d, e, and f). Cells were transfected with an IRF-3 deletion expressing GFP–wt IRF-3 a.a. 1 to 131 that lacks the NES (g) or with either of two mutations generated in this deletion construct, GFP–IRF-3 a.a. 1 to 131 (KR 77/78 NG) (h) and GFP–IRF-3 a.a. 1 to 131 (RK 86/87 LQ) (i). A diagrammatic representation of the mutations is shown below.