Figure 4.
Expression patterns of three C3HDZs homologues. (a–h) Expression patterns of GbC3HDZ-1. (a) Ovule in stage 2 (S2). (b) Ovule in stage 4 (S4). (c) Ovule in stage 6 (S6). (d) Ovule in stage 9 (S9). (e) Integument of an ovule in stage 10 (S10). (f) Microsporangium, showing expression in the pollen grains and tapetum. (g) Cross section of a short shoot with leaf primordia in the center. (h) Cross section of a well-developed leaf. (i–q) Expression patterns GbC3HDZ-2. (i) Ovules in stage 4 (S4). (j) Ovule in stage 8 (S8). (k) Ovule in stage 9 (S9). (l,m) Ovule in stage 10 (S10). (o) Microsporangia. (p) Cross section of a short shoot with leaf primordia in the center. (q) Cross section of a well-developed leaf. (r–z) Expression patterns GbC3HDZ-3. (r) Ovule in stage 3 (S3). (s) Ovule in stage 5 (S5). (t) Ovule in stage 6 (S6). (u) Ovule in stage 8 (S8). (v) Ovule in stage 9 (S9). (x) Microsporangia. (y) Cross section of a short shoot with leaf primordia in the center. (z) Cross section of a leaf. Black arrowheads pointing to the megaspore mother cell; co collar, en endothelium, int integument, le leaf, nu nucellus, po pollen, ta tapetum, vs vasculature. Scales: 50 μm (a,b,i,j,r–t); 75 μm (c,e–g,k,p,u,v,y); 100 μm (d,h,l–o,q,x,z).