a Volcano plots of RNA-sequencing data comparing gene expression of control and cellular stress inducer-treated mES cells. GEO accession code GSE166041, N = 2 biologically independent RNA-seq experiments. b UCSC Genome Browser viewing of RNA-sequencing results at the Dux locus, GEO accession code GSE166041, N = 2 biologically independent RNA-seq experiments. c MA plots of RNA-sequencing data comparing repeat sequence expression of control and cellular stress inducer-treated mES cells. GEO accession code GSE166041, N = 2 biologically independent RNA-seq experiments. d Violin plots demonstrating the expressional changes of stage-specific gene clusters of mouse pre-implantation embryos under different types of cellular stress treatment; C1 vs. all genes: p = 4.71E−11(***), C2 vs. all genes: p = 2.96E−05(***), two-sided, Mann–Whitney U-test. GEO accession code GSE166041, N = 2 biologically independent RNA-seq experiments. e Hierarchical clustering of transcriptomes from our study, published 2C-like cell model studies and pre-implantation mouse embryos; Control, CX-5461, Rotenone and Rapamycin: GEO accession code GSE166041; 2C::tdTomato+ and 2C::tdTomato-: GEO accession code GSE33923; Zscan4_Em+ and Zscan4_Em-: GEO accession code GSE51682; Kap1_KO and Kap1_WT: GEO accession code GSE74278; CAF1_WT and CAF1_KO: GEO accession code GSE85632, Dux_GFPpos and Dux_GFPneg: GEO accession code GSE85632; LINE1 ASO and RC ASO: GEO accession code GSE100939; Dppa4_GFPpos and Dppa4_GFPneg: GEO accession code GSE120953, NELFA_GFPpos and NELFA_GFPneg: GEO accession code GSE113671; Lin28a_KO and Lin28a_WT: GEO accession GSE164420; MII-Oocyte, zygote, early 2-cell, 2-cell, 4-cell, 8-cell, ICM and mES cells: GEO accession code GSE66390. Gene expression levels of two biological replicates in same developmental stage were averaged for clustering. d The center line is the median, the bottom of the box is the 25th percentile boundary, the top of the box is the 75th, and the top and bottom of vertical line define the bounds of the data that are not considered outliers, with outliers defined as greater/lesser than ±1.5× IQR, where IQR inter-quartile range.