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. 2021 Oct 27;12:731306. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.731306

Table 2.

Characteristics of articles about postpartum depression in Vietnam published from 2010 to 2020.

Characteristics Frequency (N = 18) Percentage(%)
Research settings where studies were conducted Commune level 4 22.22
District level 5 27.78
Province/City level 5 27.78
Country level 4 22.22
Design of studies Cross-sectional study 8 44.45
Cohort study 6 33.33
Qualitative study 4 22.22
Sample size(Quantitative research only) <100 participants 3 16.67
100–1000 participants 9 50
>1,000 participants 6 33.33
Measurement scale of PPD EPDS 9 50
DSM diagnosis criteria 4 22.22
SRQ-20 3 16.67
Other* 2 11.11
Postnatal time points screened 0–1 m 0 0
1–3 m 8 44.45
3–6 m 4 22.22
5–12 m (>12 m) 6 33.33

Other measurement scales: a two-question case-finding instrument (Whooley et al., 1997) and self-designed questionnaire with Likert scale from 1–4 and 1–5.