Control analyses. Behavioral performance and physiologic responses were recorded during the isocapnic hyperventilation control condition (Hv) and compared with the hypocapnia condition (Hpo). (a) Proportion of “hits” (correctly detected targets). A dashed horizontal line represents chance performance. (b) RTs to correctly detect targets. (c) Mean Peto 2 and Petco 2 traces are plotted, collapsed across all eight 90 s rest (0–45 s)/task (45–90 s) cycles for the Hv condition. (d–f) Middle cerebral artery velocity (MCAv), posterior cerebral artery velocity (PCAv), and alpha power (mean of PO/O electrodes), respectively. (g) MCAv and (h) PCAv averaged across the final 15 s of rest and task phases. (i) Percent change in CBFv in PCA and MCA from rest to task phase (normalized to the final 15 s of rest phase). (j) MCA cerebrovascular conductance (MCAcvc) and (k) PCA cerebrovascular conductance (PCAcvc) averaged across the final 15 s of rest and task phases. (l) Percent change in cerebral blood flow cerebrovascular conductance (CBFcvc) in PCA and MCA from rest to task phase (normalized to the final 15 s of rest phase). Error bars represent ±SEM