Figure 5.
Silencing of TaWAK-6D increases wheat susceptibility to R. cerealis and F. pseudograminearum. (A) The typical symptom of BSMV on wheat leaves after being infected by BSMV: GFP or BSMV: TaWAK-6D for 15 days. A BSMV coat protein (CP) was used as a marker gene to detect the BSMV. (B) The transcript level of TaWAK-6D in TaWAK-6D-silencing and BSMV: GFP-infected wheat CI12633 plants. The transcript level of TaWAK-6D in BSMV: GFP- infected wheat CI12633 plants was set to 1. Significant differences were determined based on three technical repeats (t-test: **P < 0.01). (C) Sharp eyespot symptoms on TaWAK-6D silencing and control CI12633 plants at 35 dpi with R. cerealis. Disease severity was indicated by infection type (IT). (D) Mean IT of TaWAK-6D silencing or control CI12633 plants at 35 dpi with R. cerealis in two independent batches (t-test: **P < 0.01). Bars indicate SEs of the mean. (E) FCR symptoms of BSMV: TaWAK-6D or BSMV: GFP CI12633 plants after inoculated with F. pseudograminearum for 30 days. The IT was used to indicate the disease severity of each seedling (F) Mean ITs of BSMV: TaWAK-6D or BSMV: GFP CI12633 control seedlings at 30 dpi with F. pseudograminearum in two independent batches (t-test: **P < 0.01). Bars indicate SEs of the mean.