FIG 3.
PCoA scores plot of weighted UniFrac fecal bacterial profiles of RYGB donor (pink), sham microbiota donor (dark green), microbiome recipients at the taxa level at preantibiotics (D-1, black) and 1 (salmon), 3 (yellow), 6 (light green), 9 (blue), and 16 (purple) days after microbiota transplantation (A), PERMANOVA P < 0.001 and R2 = 0.51. PCoA score plots of weighted UniFrac fecal bacterial profiles of RYGB and sham microbiota donors, their corresponding recipients at D-1 together with each of the posttransplantation time points (D1 [B], D3 [C], D6 [D], D9 [E], and D16 [F]). PERMANOVA P value < 0.001 between any two compared time points in the recipients. PERMANOVA R2 for panels B to F were 0.51, 0.57, 0.30, 0.42, and 0.44, respectively. The percentage on each axis represents the amount of variation explained by the component.