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. 2021 Jul 15;46(6):349–354. doi: 10.1097/NNE.0000000000001064


CLECS 2.0 Items Across 3 Clinical Settings With Post Hoc Comparisons

Mean (SD) Friedman Testa
Subscale Item TCE F2FS SBS χ2 (df = 2) Significant Post Hoc Comparisons
Communication 1. Preparing to care for patient 3.58 (0.68) 3.22 (0.80) 2.46 (1.01) 79.61b B, C
2. Communicating with interdisciplinary team 3.36 (0.82) 2.86 (1.04) 2.04 (1.03) 82.66b B, C
3. Interacting with patient 3.74 (0.56) 2.92 (0.93) 2.19 (1.05) 108.13b A, B
4. Providing information and support to patient's family 3.18 (0.85) 2.63 (1.08) 1.84 (0.98) 86.93b B, C
Nursing process 5. Understanding rationale for patient's treatment plan 3.46 (0.67) 3.13 (0.84) 2.66 (0.95) 57.66b B
6. Understanding patient's pathophysiology 3.46 (0.69) 3.19 (0.85) 2.91 (0.92) 30.90b --
7. Identifying patient's problems 3.53 (0.66) 3.31 (0.78) 2.86 (0.93) 42.30b B
8. Implementing care plan 3.33 (0.83) 3.03 (0.96) 2.55 (0.99) 37.14b B
9. Prioritizing care 3.40 (0.79) 3.20 (0.86) 2.74 (0.99) 38.41b B, C
10. Performing appropriate assessment 3.63 (0.66) 3.26 (0.84) 2.50 (1.05) 78.07b B
Holism 12. Assessing outcomes of care provided 3.27 (0.83) 2.96 (1.02) 2.33 (1.05) 49.27b B
13. Identifying short- and long-term nursing goals 3.27 (0.82) 2.78 (0.99) 2.29 (0.99) 63.82b B
14. Discussing patient's psychosocial needs 3.22 (0.86) 2.70 (1.08) 2.23 (1.09) 59.07b B
15. Discussing patient's developmental needs 3.18 (0.88) 2.62 (1.05) 2.19 (1.04) 55.97b B
16. Discussing patient's spiritual needs 2.86 (1.05) 2.44 (1.08) 1.94 (0.98) 52.52b B
17. Discussing patient's cultural needs 2.93 (0.95) 2.48 (1.02) 1.96 (1.00) 63.97b B
Critical thinking 18. Anticipating and recognizing changes in patient's condition 3.42 (0.79) 3.05 (0.89) 2.42 (1.02) 59.28b B
19. Taking appropriate action when patient's condition changes 3.40 (0.75) 3.17 (0.89) 2.43 (1.05) 60.70b B, C
Self-efficacy 21. Reacting calmly to changes in my patient's condition 3.34 (0.75) 3.03 (0.85) 2.50 (1.06) 37.27b B
22. Knowing what to do if I make an error in my care 3.11 (0.88) 2.92 (0.9) 2.27 (0.96) 49.78b B, C
23. Being confident in my decisions 3.04 (0.78) 2.81 (0.93) 2.27 (0.98) 44.65b B
27. Feeling confident in abilities 3.17 (0.85) 2.84 (0.91) 2.25 (0.94) 57.25b B
Teaching-learning dyad 24. Having instructor available to me 3.50 (0.76) 3.29 (0.89) 2.50 (1.13) 59.58b B, C
25. Feeling challenged and stimulated 3.54 (0.73) 3.20 (0.87) 2.35 (1.06) 84.33b B, C
26. Receiving immediate feedback on performance 3.37 (0.88) 3.35 (0.85) 2.74 (1.03) 29.96b --
28. Feeling supported by instructor and peers when making care-related decisions 3.50 (0.75) 3.25 (0.9) 2.44 (1.14) 60.52b B, C
29. Improving my critical thinking skills with experiences 3.52 (0.66) 3.22 (0.92) 2.45 (1.04) 64.77b B, C
Unassigned to subscale 11. Evaluating the effects of medications administered 3.30 (0.82) 2.81 (1.05) 2.35 (1.06) 45.46b B
20. Thoroughly documenting patient care 3.50 (0.78) 2.58 (1.05) 2.12 (1.07) 97.07b A, B

Abbreviations: CLECS, Clinical Learning Environment Comparison Survey; F2FS, face-to-face simulation; SBS, screen-based simulation; TCE, traditional clinical environment.

A = statistically significant difference between traditional clinical and face-to-face simulation. B = statistically significant difference between traditional clinical and screen-based simulation. C = statistically significant difference between face-to-face simulation and screen-based simulation.

aEach Friedman test had 2 degrees of freedom (df), and the critical difference in each post hoc test was 62.4 (α = 0.0001).

bP < .0001.