S. cerevisiae strains used in this study
Strain | Relevant genotype | Source and (reference) |
FF18984 | Haploid wild type | F. Fabre |
WDHY837 | FF18984, but rad55Δ | This study |
WDHY839 | FF18984, but rad57Δ | This study |
WDHY994 | FF18984, but rad51Δ | This study |
WDHY1020 | FF18984, but rad9Δ | This study |
FF181268 | bar1::LEU2 | F. Fabre |
FF181270 | FF181268, but rad9::URA3 | F. Fabre |
WDHY1236 | FF181268, but rad17Δ | This study |
WDHY1075a | a/α diploid wild type | This study |
WDHY1082a | WDHY1075, but rad51Δ/rad51Δ | This study |
WDHY1089a | WDHY1075, but rad55Δ/rad55Δ | This study |
WDHY1096a | WDHY1075, but rad57Δ/rad57Δ | This study |
Y300 | Haploid wild type | Allen et al. (3) |
Y286 | Y300, but dun1-Δ100 | Zhou and Elledge (93) |
Y438 | Y300, but rad9 | Navas et al. (57) |
Y439 | Y300, but pol2-12 | Navas et al. (57) |
Y440 | Y300, but rad9 pol2-12 | Navas et al. (57) |
WDHY1227 | Y300, but tel1Δ | This study |
WDHY1234 | Y300, but rad17Δ | This study |
TWY12b | Haploid wild type | T. Weinert |
TWY308b | Congenic to TWY12, but mec1-1c | Weinert et al. (90) |
TWY312b | Congenic to TWY12, but rad53 (mec2-1)c | Weinert et al. (90) |
TWY316b | Congenic to TWY12, but mec3-1 | Weinert et al. (90) |
TWY399b | Congenic to TWY12, but rad24-1 | Weinert et al. (90) |
P7BAB | a/α diploid wild-type leu2-1/leu2-27 his4-4/his4-290 | Kato and Ogawa (37) |
NR110AB | a/α diploid leu2-1/leu2-27 mec1/mec1 (esr1-1/esr1-1) | Kato and Ogawa (37) |
WDHY1558 | As P7BAB, but mec1/mec1 (esr1-1/esr1-1) | This study |
Diploid strain derive from haploid strains, including FF18984, that were kindly supplied by F. Fabre.
MEC1/SAD3/ESR1 and RAD53/MEC2/SAD1/SPK1 have been isolated and named several times. In accordance with the generally accepted use (see reference 18) and for the sake of brevity, we use the names MEC1 and RAD53.