Fig. 3. Genetic ancestry and admixture dating of ancient populations from Xinjiang and its vicinity.
a, qpAdm-based estimates of the ancestry proportion of Dzungaria_EBA and Tarim_EMBA from three ancestry sources (AG3, Afanasievo and Baikal_EBA) (Supplementary Data 1D, E). Unlike Dzungaria_EBA individuals, Tarim_EMBA individuals are adequately modelled without EBA Eurasian steppe pastoralist (for example, Afanasievo) ancestry. b, Genetic admixture dates for key Bronze Age populations in Inner Asia, including Dzungaria_EBA1 (n = 3), Chemurchek (n = 3), Kumsay_EBA (n = 4), Mereke_MBA (n = 2), Dali_EBA (n = 1) and Tarim_EMBA1 (n = 12). The blue shade represents the radiocarbon dating range of the Yamnaya and Afanasievo individuals. The orange circles and the associated vertical bars represent the averages and standard deviations of median radiocarbon dates, respectively. The circles above each orange circle represent the estimated admixture dates with a generation time of 29 years, and the vertical bars represent the sum of standard errors of the admixture date and the radiocarbon date estimate. c, Representative qpAdm-based admixture models of ancient Eurasian groups (Supplementary Data 1D–I). For Dzungaria_EBA1 and Geoksyur_EN, we show their three-way admixture models including Tarim_EMBA1 as a source. For later populations in Xinjiang, IAMC and nearby regions, we used them as sources, and allocated a colour to each of them (blue for Dzungaria_EBA1; magenta for Geoksyur_EN). The base map in c was obtained from the Natural Earth public domain map dataset (