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. 2021 Oct 28;12:748049. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.748049

Table 1.

Health effects of anthocyanin-containing foods against anthocyanin-free comparators.

Functional food Form of administration Target Experimental model Effects References
Anthocyanin-rich maize Blue and yellow corn in rodent diet Heart Wild-type rats Reduced infarct size and improved antioxidant defenses Toufektsian et al., 2008
Blue and yellow corn in rodent diet Heart Wild-type rats Increased plasma concentration of DHA and EPA Toufektsian et al., 2011
Purple and yellow corn in rodent diet Heart Wild-type mice Protect against Doxorubicin adverse side-effects Petroni et al., 2017
Purple corn extract in rodent diet vs. not-supplemented diet Obesity Wild-type mice Prevent body weight gain under HFD Tsuda et al., 2003
Purple corn extract in rodent diet vs. not-supplemented diet Obesity Wild-type mice Attenuate HFD-induced inflammation with a long-lasting reprogramming of ATM toward an anti-inflammatory status Tomay et al., 2019
Purple and yellow corn extract in rodent diet Brain Wild-type rats Reduced allodynia and neuroinflammation Magni et al., 2018
Purple and yellow corn in rodent diet Muscular dystrophy Sgca null mice Delayed progression of muscular dystrophies reducing inflammation and oxidative stress Saclier et al., 2020
Purple and yellow corn in rodent diet Liver Wild-type mice Regulated H3K4me3 affecting specific pathways Persico et al., 2021
Purple corn extract in drinking water vs. water Diabetes db/db mice Delayed diabetes-associated renal fibrosis and mesangial inflammation Li et al., 2012a,b
Purple corn extract in drinking water vs. water Diabetes db/db mice Reduced diabetes-associated glomerular monocyte activation, macrophages infiltration and angiogenesis Kang et al., 2012, 2013
Blue and yellow corn in rodent diet Brain Wild-type rats Reduced mtDNA damage Demeilliers et al., 2017
Purple corn extract in rodent diet vs. not-supplemented diet Cancer Wild-type rats Delayed mammary cancer Fukamachi et al., 2008
Purple corn extract in rodent diet vs. not-supplemented diet Cancer Wild-type rats Delayed progression of prostate cancer Long et al., 2013
Anthocyanin-rich orange Moro and Navelina orange juice Obesity Wild-type mice Prevent body weight gain under HFD Titta et al., 2010
Moro and Navelina orange juice Obesity Wild-type mice Prevent body weight gain and liver steatosis under HFD Salamone et al., 2012
Anthocyanin-rich tomato Purple and red tomato powder in rodent diet Cancer p53−/− mice Delayed cancer development and increased life span Butelli et al., 2008
Bronze and red tomato powder in rodent diet Inflammation and microbiota Winnie mice Reduced inflammation markers and modulated gut microbiota Liso et al., 2018; Scarano et al., 2018
Bronze and red tomato powder in rodent diet Inflammation and microbiota in mothers and puppies Winnie mice Reduced inflammation markers and modulated gut microbiota De Santis et al., 2021
Anthocyanin-rich apple Red and white near-isogenic apple in rodent diet Inflammation and microbiota Wild-type mice Reduced inflammation markers and modulated gut microbiota Espley et al., 2014
Naturally bred red and yellow-fleshed apple in human diet Inflammation and microbiota Healthy humans Promoted immune function Barnett et al., 2021
Biofortified red and white fleshed apple in rodent diet Hypercholesterolemia Wild-type rats Protect against HFD-induced cardiovascular and metabolic alterations Yuste et al., 2021
Naturally bred red and white fleshed apple in rodent diet Cancer Wild-type rats Delayed appearance of the precancerous markers Bars-Cortina et al., 2020

HFD, high-fat diet; mtDNA, mitochondrial DNA; DHA, docosahexaenoic acid; EPA, eicosapentaenoic acid; ATM, adipose tissue macrophages; H3K4me3, trimethylation of lysine 4 of the histone H3.