Fig. 1.
Regions with mixed-species livestock production in Colombia. Antioquia, Cordoba, and La Guajira are the departments with the highest production of cattle (n = 3,000,000), buffaloes (n = 90,000), and sheep (n = 800,000). Colors indicate the population density of animals of multiple species, divided into high producers (>2 million animals), high-middle producers (1–2 million animals), and middle producers (300,000– 1 million animals) [51]. *Regions in gray represent small or non-producers with fewer than 300,000 animals in the department. Numbers indicate the locations where samples were collected. Buffalo samples were collected in Antioquia (1) and Cundinamarca (3), and sheep samples were collected in Santander (2) and Cundinamarca (3). The map was created with Pixel Map Generator, available online (