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. 2021 Oct 28;15:758068. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2021.758068


The average power variance analysis results of the two hemispheres, five regions, and two conditions in the alpha, theta, and gamma bands for anxious subjects before and after the experiment.

Frequency band Condition main effect Condition × region interaction effect Condition × hemisphere interaction effect Condition × region × hemisphere interaction effect
Alpha F(1,338) = 127.65
P = 2.5010− 25
F(4,339) = 20.52
P = 4.55×10− 15
F(1,339) = 14.62
P = 1.50×10− 4
F(4,339) = 18.42
P = 1.21×10− 13
Theta F(1,338) = 110.84
P = 1.31×10− 22
F(4,339) = 19.87
P = 1.26×10− 14
F(1,339) = 16.86
P = 5.10×10− 5
F(4,339) = 18.75
P = 7.20×10− 14
Gamma F(1,338) = 633.73
P = 1.66×10− 79
F(4,339) = 6.51
P = 4.70×10− 5
F(1,339) = 3.74
P = 0.0439
F(4,339) = 5.65
P = 2.08×10− 4

Significant (P < 0.0439).