Effects of EV-CPC on left ventricular function. A. Absolute echocardiographic values of left ventricular ejection fraction expressed at baseline (pre-transplantation, 3 weeks following MI) and at the end of study or B. As percent changes from baseline in MerCreMer/ZEG mice. Each group comprised 15 mice. *p ≤ 0.05. C. Absolute values of left ventricular ejection fraction, as measured by Magnetic Resonance Imaging, in MerCreMer/ZEG mice. There were 5 and 6 randomly selected mice in the EV and PBS groups, respectively. *p ≤ 0.05. D. Echocardiographic data of left ventricular ejection fraction expressed at baseline (pre-transplantation, 3 weeks following MI) and at the end of study or E. As percent changes from baseline in MADM mice. Each group comprised 6 mice. *p ≤ 0.05