Fig. 1.
Impact of female leadership on COVID-19 and SARI deaths and hospitalizations per 100,000 inhabitants in 2020.
Notes: This figure shows graphically the effect of female mayors on the number of deaths and hospitalizations by COVID-19 and SARI per hundred thousand inhabitants in 2020 in Brazilian municipalities. Note that COVID-19 numbers are a subset of SARI numbers. Subfigure (a) presents the RD plot for COVID-19 deaths. Subfigure (b) presents the RD plot for SARI deaths. Subfigure (c) presents the RD plot for COVID-19 hospitalizations. Subfigure (d) presents the RD plot for SARI hospitalizations. Plots were generated accordingly to Calonico et al. (2015). We use a linear specification and a uniform kernel. Following Calonico et al. (2014), the optimal bandwidths were chosen to minimize the mean squared error of the local polynomial RD point estimator. All estimates account for state fixed-effects following Eq. (1). For more details on these estimates see Table 1 Panel A.