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. 2021 Oct 27;154:102761. doi: 10.1016/j.jdeveco.2021.102761

Table 2.

Impact of female leadership on health investment and non-pharmaceutical interventions, RDD estimates.

Panel A: Health investment
Δ Health spending Δ Total hosp. beds Δ ICU hosp. beds Δ Health spending Δ Total hosp. beds Δ ICU hosp. beds
(share of total spd.) per 100k pop. per 100k pop. (share of total spd.) per 100k pop. per 100k pop.
RD estimator −0.005 −9.992 −0.372 0.004 −3.212 −0.084
Robust p-value 0.678 0.281 0.235 0.749 0.519 0.89
Robust conf. int. [−0.0273, 0.0178] [−28.1529, 8.168] [−0.9858, 0.2418] [−0.0207, 0.0288] [−12.9813, 6.5565] [−1.2766, 1.1078]
CCT-optimal BW 15.95 19.075 8.094 22.881 12.062 11.66
Eff. number obs. 745 871 472 753 626 613

Panel B: Non-pharmaceutical interventions
Number of Face covering Gatherings Cordon Closure of Public transport
NPIs required prohibition sanitaire non-essentials restriction

RD estimator 0.371 0.08 0.055 0.14 −0.071 0.131
Robust p-value 0.057* 0.04** 0.066* 0.083* 0.414 0.221
Robust conf. int. [−0.0109, 0.7538] [0.0038, 0.1569] [−0.0037, 0.1143] [−0.0184, 0.298] [−0.2396, 0.0986] [−0.0783, 0.3395]
CCT-optimal BW 10.254 15.671 9.479 12.224 10.053 10.784
Eff. number obs. 353 499 341 395 349 361

Notes: This table reports our RD estimates of the association between female mayors and several outcomes. The level of observation is the municipality. Panel A reports results on health investment-related outcomes. This panel is divided into pre and post pandemic outbreak outcomes. In the first column of Panel A, the outcome is the variation in the share of municipal spending dedicated to health issues between 2016 and 2019. In the second column, the outcome is the variation of total hospital beds per 100k inhabitants between Jan 2017 and Jan 2020; in the third column, the ICU hospital beds per 100k inhabitants variation between Jan 2017 and Jan 2020. The fourth column reports the estimate of the variation in the share of municipal spending dedicated to health issues between 2019 and 2020. Lastly, the fifth and sixth columns show estimates for the variation of hospital beds per 100k inhabitants between Feb 2020 and Dec 2020 — total beds and ICU beds, respectively. Panel B describes results for the main non-pharmaceutical interventions adopted by mayors until July 2020. The first column outcome is the total number of NPIs adopted. The remaining columns are dummies variables indicating whether a specific NPI was adopted. In any case, we are estimating a first-degree polynomial using a uniform kernel. Optimal bandwidths following Calonico et al. (2014) were chosen to minimize the mean squared error of the local polynomial RD point estimator. Following that same work, we report robust-bias corrected p-values and 95% CIs. All estimates account for state fixed-effects following Eq. (1). Coefficients significantly different from zero at 99% (***), 95% (**) and 90% (*) confidence level.