Figure 2.
Representative fluorescent images of three tumor bearing mice assessed by PAI (each row shows multiple images of the same mouse and is representative of N = 5). Each mouse was injected intravenously with a binary 1:1 mixture of untargeted probe 650z and one of the targeted s775z probes (s775z-aRGD, s775z-tRGD or s775z-sRGD) (total probe dose is 20 nmol/mouse). Images were obtained periodically using two different filter settings (left panel, untargeted 650z, ex: 640/20 nm, em: 710/20 nm, exposure time: 3 s, percent power: 50%, F-stop: 2, FOV: 20, binning—low), and (right panel, targeted s775z probe, ex: 745/20 nm, em: 850/20 nm, exposure time: 3 s, percent power: 50%, F-stop: 2, FOV: 20, binning—low)]. Intensity scale is in arbitrary fluorescent units.