Figure 4: C. parvum neonatal calf model demonstrates efficacy of BKI-1369 via reduction in total oocyst excretion, diminished fecal output, and favorable weight gain compared with control infected calves.
Two-day old calves were infected orally with 5×107 C. parvum (Iowa strain, Cryptosporidium Production Laboratory, Univ. AZ) and two days later begun on BKI-1369 treatment or vehicle alone. Shown, left to right, are (1) the total number of oocysts excreted over the 5 days of treatment and 3 days after treatment in each group of control (vehicle alone treated on days 3–7 post infection (P.I.)) or treated (BKI-1369 5 mg/kg administered twice a day orally); (2) the total daily fecal volume excreted by the calves in each group; and, (3) weight gain or loss in each group over the 10-day observation period. Data replotted from (Hulverson et al., 2017a).