Table 1.
Demographic and obstetrical characteristics of women in the study groups.
Variable | Total No. of Patients (n = 1498) |
Adolescent Mothers (Case Group) (n = 298) |
Adult Mothers (Reference Group) (n = 1200) |
p-Value |
Age (years) |
26.20 ± 6.86 |
17.30 ± 1.50 |
28.42 ± 5.81 |
Independent sample test: 0.00 |
Settlement: Rural Urban |
899/1498 (60%) 599/1498 (40%) |
194/298 (65.1%) 104/298 (34.9%) |
705/1200 (58.8%) 495/1200 (41.3%) |
Pearson Chi-square: >0.05 0.04 |
Gravidity 1 2–5 >5 |
406/1498 (27.1%) 844/1498(56.4%) 248/1498(16.5%) |
182/298 (61.1%) 115/298 (38.5%) 1/298 (0.3%) |
224/1200 (18.7%) 729/1200(60.8%) 247/1200(20.7%) |
Likelihood Ratio: 0.00 >0.05 0.00 |
Parity 1 2 3 4 ≥5 |
482/1498 (32.2%) 404/1498 (27%) 252/1498 (16.8%) 142/1498 (9.5%) 218/1498 (14.7%) |
203/298 (68.1%) 73/298 (24.5%) 17/298 (5.7%) 5/298 (1.7%) 0/298 (0.0%) |
279/1200 (23.3%) 331/1200 (27.6%) 235/1200 (19.6%) 137/1200 (11.4%) 218/1200 (18.2%) |
Likelihood Ratio: 0.00 >0.05 0.00 0.00 0.00 |
Pregnancy: single multiple |
1497/1498(99.9%) 1/1498 (0.1%) |
298/298 (100%) 0/298 (0.0%) |
1199/1200(99.9%) 1/1200 (0.1%) |
Fisher’s Exact Test: >0.05 >0.05 |
Presentation: cephalic breech |
1493/1498(99.7%) 5/1498 (0.3%) |
296/298 (99.3%) 2/298 (0.7%) |
1197/1200(99.8%) 3/1200 (0.3%) |
Fisher’s Exact Test: >0.05 >0.05 |
Membranes: intact ruptured |
1220/1498(81.4%) 278/1498 (18.6%) |
247/298 (82.9%) 51/298 (17.1%) |
973/1200 (81.1%) 227/1200 (18.9%) |
Pearson Chi-square: >0.05 |
History of diabetes |
6/1498 (0.4%) |
1/298 (0.3%) |
5/1200 (0.4%) |
Fisher’s Exact Test: >0.05 |
Fetal weight (g) |
3115.1 ± 514.1 |
2976.5 ± 471.7 |
3149.5 ± 518.6 |
Independent Samples Test: 0.00 |
Apgar score: 8–10 1–7 0 |
1410/1498(94.1%) 80/1498 (5.3%) 8/1498 (0.5%) |
274/298 (91.9%) 22/298 (7.4%) 2/298 (0.7%) |
1136/1200(94.7%) 58/1200 (4.8%) 6/1200 (0.5%) |
Pearson Chi-square: >0.05 |
Admission *: <5 days ≥5 days |
1124/1197 (75.1%) 373/1197 (24.9%) |
207/298 (69.5%) 91/298 (30.5%) |
918/1200 (76.5%) 282/1200 (23.5%) |
Pearson Chi-square: 0.012 |
* expressed in number of days of hospitalization.