IHC analysis of uPARAP expression in TMAs from MM and RMP. (a) The graph indicates H-scores obtained by uPARAP IHC analysis of cores representing RMP (n = 13), EMM (n = 73), BMM (n = 27) and SMM (n = 17). Data are shown as mean ± SD for the individual MM subtypes and RMPs. Welch’s ANOVA test was used for the comparison of the groups. **** (p ≤ 0.0001). (b) Representative examples of uPARAP staining in TMA cores from RMP (no staining in the mesothelium and fibrotic stroma, except for scattered stained macrophages), EMM, BMM, and SMM tissue (all three showing diffuse positive uPARAP expression). Note the stronger stain of the sarcomatoid vs. epithelioid tumor cells in the BMM example. Scale bars: 100 µm.