Table 2.
1H and 13C NMR chemical shifts and sugar connectivities of CPS K63 isolated from K. pneumoniae Kp486 a.
Residue | Atom Chemical Shift (ppm) | Connectivities to δH δC | Inter-Residue Atoms/Residues |
H1/C1 | H2/C2 | H3/C3 | H4/C4 | H5/C5 | H6,6′/C6 (CH3) |
A →3)-α-D-Galp | 5.25 95.8 |
4.09 68.5 |
4.04 78.1 |
3.92 72.3 |
4.20 67.9 |
3.74 61.9 |
4.14 | 75.0 | H-3, C-3 of B |
B →3)-α-D-GalpA-(1→ | 5.31 101.5 |
4.00 67.9 |
4.14 75.0 |
4.55 67.9 |
4.37 72.8 |
176.2 |
4.06 | 78.3 | H-3, C-3 of C |
C →3)-α-L-Fucp-(1→ | 5.21 101.5 |
3.96 68.4 |
4.06 78.3 |
3.90 72.7 |
4.18 67.8 |
1.18 16.1 |
4.04 | 78.1 | H-3, C-3 of A |
a Spectra were recorded for 2H2O solution at 298 K. Acetone (δH/δC 2.225/31.05 ppm) was used as an internal reference.