The list of representative PD-L1 inhibitors belonging to various classes and their PD-L1 blockade characteristics. IC50 values were determined with the HTRF assay and EC50 values were determined with the ICB assay. %RLUmax indicates the maximal activation of Jurkat T cells in the ICB assay, calculated as the % of the activation achieved for therapeutic anti-PD-L1 antibody (atezolizumab or durvalumab). When available, the data on the in vitro PD-L1 dimerization in the presence of the molecule, and the species specificity (human PD-L1, hPD-L1, and mouse PD-L1, mPD-L1) are indicated. “√”, particular activity confirmed experimentally; “No”, the compound was confirmed not to possess a particular activity; “n.d.”, no data on a particular activity.