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. 2021 Oct 28;10(21):5020. doi: 10.3390/jcm10215020

Table A2.

Range of treatments proposed in this study (EBPA) (yellow lines) compared to SOSORT Clinical Guidelines (white lines).

Guidelines EBPA Risser 0 Risser 1 Risser 2
Minimum Observation (6 months)
10–20° Minimum 0. Observation
(3 months)
0. Observation
(6 months)
Maximum 2. Soft Scoliosis Brace 1. Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis
Specific Exercises
Maximum Soft Scoliosis Brace
Minimum Half-Time
Rigid Bracing
Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis
Specific Exercises
21–30° Minimum 1. Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis-Specific Exercises
Maximum 5. Half-Time Very Rigid Bracing
31–40° Minimum 3. Half-Time Rigid Bracing
Maximum 6. Full-Time Very Rigid Bracing
Maximum Surgery
Minimum 6. Total-Time
Rigid Bracing
6. Full-Time
Rigid Bracing
41–45° Minimum 6. Full-Time Very Rigid Bracing
Maximum 6. Total-Time Very Rigid Bracing
Maximum Surgery

The Moderate (21–40°) range of scoliosis of the Guidelines is split into two EBPA subgroups (21–30° and 31–40°). For each clinical condition, treatment is proposed by Guidelines and EBPA from a minimum (Min) to a maximum (Max) intensity. The SOSORT Guidelines propose the following intensity progression reported in this table: observation, Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis-Specific Exercises, Soft Scoliosis Brace, half-time (16–18 h per day) rigid bracing, full-time (19–22 h per day) rigid bracing, total-time (23–24 h per day) rigid bracing. In this study, the intensity follows the same progression but with a slight difference: 0 Observation, 1 PSSE (SEAS School), 2 Elastic brace (SpineCor), 3 Rigid brace 18/21 h/d, 4 Rigid brace 22/24 h/d, 5 Very rigid brace (Sforzesco) 18–21 h/d, 6 Very rigid brace (Sforzesco) 22–24 h/d.