(A) Annual and (B) monthly suicide mortality in Japan. Ordinates indicate standardised mortality ratio (SMR) of suicide mortality of males and females (black lines), males (blue line), and females (red line) in Japan per 100,000 people. (A) Black arrows (1–3) indicate the collapse of the asset bubble, the Asian economic crisis, and the 2008 global financial crisis, respectively. Blue arrows (4) and (5) indicate the contribution of the Emergency Fund to Enhance Community-Based Suicide Countermeasures and the introduction of the Revised Basic Act on Suicide Prevention, respectively. (B) (left) Average SMR suicide mortalities during 2017–2019. (middle, right) Monthly SMR suicide mortality in 2020 and 2021, respectively. Red columns, period of 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) stay-home orders; red arrows, mass media reports regarding celebrity suicides.