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. 2021 Oct 27;10(21):4992. doi: 10.3390/jcm10214992

Table 5.

Simultaneous influence of the indipendent variables (the level of methylation levels of the genome regions related to SYT2, GCSAML, GRM2, DRD3, NR3C1, TRPA1, MIR129-2, IL25, TNFRSF13B, OXT, MCF2, depression measured through BDI questionnaire, and the demographic grouped factors) on the risk to have FM. Logistic multivariate regression model—explanatory variables: mean methylation levels, BDI, Cluster Two Factors; dependent variable: FM.

Logistic Regression
Dependent Variable: Fibromyalgia
Variables in the Equation Odds Ratio Robust Std. Err. z p > |z| [95% Conf. Interval]
SYT2 4.919 6.950 1.13 0.260 0.308 78.461
GCSAML 1.038 0.162 0.24 0.808 0.765 1.410
GRM2 0.614 0.143 −2.09 0.037 0.388 0.971
DRD3 3.035 12.078 0.28 0.780 0.001 7413.646
NR3C1 0.006 0.020 −1.45 0.147 5.17 × 10−6 6.157
TRPA1 12.892 22.999 1.43 0.152 0.391 425.457
MIR1292 0.091 0.162 −1.35 0.178 0.003 2.984
IL25 2.279 3.888 0.48 0.629 0.080 64.565
TNFRSF13B 7.145 15.473 0.91 0.364 0.102 498.124
OXT 1.115 0.533 0.30 0.761 0.464 2.854
MCF2 1.162 0.238 0.73 0.465 0.777 1.736
Depression—BDI 1.366 0.108 3.95 0.000 1.170 1.594
Demographic factors—Cluster Two steps 2.209 2.061 0.85 0.396 0.355 13.757
_cons 3.09 × 10−17 8.07 × 10−16 −1.45 0.146 1.68 × 10−39 567324.4
Number of obs. = 65
Log pseudolikelihood = −19.74235 Wald chi2 (7) = 32.48
Prob > chi2 = 0.0020
Pseudo R2 = 0.5611