Functional characterization of SCN1B missense variants. (A–C) Normalized conductance-voltage (G-V; open circles) and channel availability relationship (I-V; filled circles) of β1WT (black), β1R46C (red), β1R60C (blue), or β1V158 M (green) coexpressed with human (h) NaV1.1, NaV1.2 or NaV1.6. G-V and I-V V1/2 values are reported in Table S3. (D–F) Normalized recovery from fast inactivation using the same color scheme measured over a 40-ms timeframe using a double-pulse protocol to the maximum current of the I-V in A–C. Half-life recovery time points (ms) are presented in Table S3. Error bars are SEM with n = 5–11; *p < .05, **p < .01, #p < .001. (G–I) Rate (τ) of channel fast inactivation. Half-life time points (ms) are presented in Table S3. Error bars reflect SEM with n = 5–6; *p < .05, **p < .01, #p < .001