Results of the interactions (A) ROI × task × prescan normalize and (B) ROI × head coil × prescan normalize, separated for each ROI. (A) Largest β estimates in each ROI correspond to the respective task. Note that participants saw numbers on the screen in the motor task, thus resulting in enhanced β estimates in the visual cortex also for the motor task. There were differences regarding the prescan normalize filter with larger β estimates for prescan normalize OFF (gray) in the visual and motor cortices, whereas there was no difference between prescan normalize ON (black) and OFF in the auditory cortex and even the contrary pattern with larger values for prescan normalize ON in the thalamus. (B) Regarding the differences in the head coils, there were larger β estimates for the prescan normalize OFF in the visual and motor cortices, whereas again, there was no difference in the auditory cortex, but larger values for prescan normalize ON in the thalamus. ROI, region of interest.