Figure 4.
Linear regression models on the interaction between IL6 and childhood adversities on current thoughts of death (ToD-BSI21) yielded three significant clumps. In case of the additive model, a clump containing 24 SNPs with rs1474348 as top SNP and the minor C allele as a protective allele emerged (p = 0.0005) (A). In case of the dominant model, a clump containing 5 SNPs with top SNP rs4719714 and the minor T allele as a risk allele was found (p = 0.0007) (B). In the recessive model, a clump containing 19 SNPs with rs2069845 as top SNP and the minor G allele as a protective allele was identified (p = 0.0002) (C). The figure was generated for illustration purposes using R.