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. 2021 Jun 9;60(11):1463–1473. doi: 10.1007/s40262-021-01036-8

Table 3.

Parameter estimates of the final population pharmacokinetic model

Estimate 95% CIa Shrinkage (%)
Population parameters
 Clpop (L/h) 4.38 4.17–4.59
 Vd,pop (L) 15.6 15.0–16.2
 ka,pop (h–1) 1.99 1.76–2.27
 F1pop 1.00 (fixed)
 COVCl,time (h–1) − 0.000782 − 0.00101 to − 0.000561
 COVCl,age (year–1) − 0.0125 − 0.0151 to − 0.0100
ka,Ethiopia (fold change ka,pop) 0.224 0.151–0.305
 F1Ethiopia (fold change F1pop) 2.46 1.59–4.01
 F1Kenya,Sudan (fold change F1pop) 1.17 1.06–1.30
Between-subject variability
 Cl (CV%) 33.2 30.1–36.5 29
 Vd,Eastern-Africa (CV%) 31.5 23.3–41.0 40
 F1Ethiopia (CV%) 150 120.3–189.1 8
Residual variability
 Proportional error India (CV%) 56.1 54.6–57.9 10
 Proportional error Eastern Africa (CV%) 64.6 62.1–67.7 10



AGEi individual age (years), AGEmed median population age (20 years), CI confidence interval, Clpop population apparent oral clearance, ClTV typical value apparent oral clearance, COVCl,age scaling factor covariate age on clearance, COVCl,time scaling factor covariate time on clearance, CV% percentage coefficient of variation, F1Ethiopia proportional change of F1 in Ethiopia, F1Kenya,Sudan proportional change of F1 in Kenya and Sudan, F1pop population bioavailability, ka,Ethiopia proportional change of ka in Ethiopia, ka,pop population absorption rate constant, SIR sampling-importance resampling, TIME time after start of treatment, Vd,Eastern-Africa central volume of distribution in Eastern African patients, Vd,pop population central volume of distribution, Vd,TV typical value central volume of distribution, WTi,t individual body weight (kg) at time t, WTmed median population body weight (39 kg)

a Obtained by SIR