Table 1.
Summary of classical DNA-based techniques in the application of detection and authentication of chicken in meat and meat products. Type of samples and performance (limit of detection and discriminating accuracy) are included when available.
Species/Breeds Involved | Main Technique | Main Markers | References | Detection Performance |
Bovine, porcine, and chicken | qPCR | Species-specific SINEs | [38] | Limit of detection: 5 pg |
Beef, pork, lamb, goat, chicken, turkey, and duck | qPCR | Nuclear IL-2 precursor gene | [39] | Detection level: 0.1% |
Bovine, sheep, pig, and chicken | PCR | Mitochondrial 16S rRNA gene | [40] | Detection level: 0.1% |
Beef, pork, horse, mutton, chicken, and turkey | qPCR | Mitochondrial cytb gene | [41] | Detection level: 0.01% |
Chicken, duck, pigeon, and pig | PCR | Mitochondrial D-loop gene | [42] | NA |
Turkey, chicken, beef, pork, and sheep | qPCR | Mitochondrial 16S rRNA and cytb genes | [43] | Detection level: 1% |
Turkey, chicken, bovine, ovine, donkey, pork, and horse | qPCR | Mitochondrial ND2 gene. | [44] | Detection level: 0.001% |
Chicken, duck, and turkey | qPCR | Nuclear TF-GB3 gene | [45] | Limit of detection: 5–50 pg |
Pork, beef, chicken, and mutton | Multiplex-PCR | Mitochondrial COI gene | [46] | Detection level: 0.001 ng |
Duck, partridge, pheasant, quail, chicken, and turkey | PCR | Mitochondrial cytb gene | [47] | Detection level: 0.01% (w/w) |
Processed chicken, bovine, and pork meats | PCR | Mitochondrial cytb gene | [48] | Limit of detection: 1% |
Processed beef meat products | PCR | Mitochondrial cytb gene | [49] | Limit of detection: 0.5% |
Beef, pork, chicken, rabbit, horse, and mutton | qPCR | Mitochondrial COI gene | [50] | Limit of detection: 0.1% |
Bovine, porcine, chicken, and turkey | ddPCR | Mitochondrial cytb gene | [51] | Limit of detection: 0.01–1.0% (wt/wt) |
Pork, beef, horse, duck, ostrich, and chicken | Multiplex-qPCR | Mitochondrial cytb, COI, and 16S rRNA genes | [52] | Detection level: 0.32 ng |
Pork, beef, horse, rabbit, donkey, sheep, goat, dog, chicken, duck, pigeon, goose, and turkey | ddPCR | Nuclear RPA1 gene | [53] | Limit of detection: 0.1% (w/w) |
Beef, sheep, pig, horse, rabbit, chicken, turkey, and quail | qPCR, HRM | Mitochondrial cytb gene | [54] | Limit of detection: 0.1 ng |
Chicken, pheasant, quail, Silky Fowl, pigs, cows, sheep, duck, goose, dog, rabbit, yak, horse, donkey, and fish | qPCR, Southern blot, and digital PCR | Nuclear Actb gene | [55] | Limit of detection: 10 pg |
Processed meat products from 24 species, including chicken | LAMP | Mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene | [56] | Limit of detection: 10 fg |
Beef, buffalo, chicken, cat, dog, pork, and fish | Heptaplex-PCR | Mitochondrial cytb, ND5, and 16s rRNA genes. | [57] | Limit of detection: 0.01−0.001 ng |
Processed meat products from pork, beef, and chicken | qPCR | NA | [58] | Limit of detection: 0.1% for beef and pork; 0.2% for chicken |
Beef, donkey, chicken, and human | PCR | Mitochondrial 12S rRNA gene | [59] | NA |
Pork, chicken, and beef | Multiplex-qPCR | Mitochondrial cytb gene | [60] | Limit of detection: 0.1 pg |
Beef, sheep, pork, goat, horse, chicken, rabbit, and turkey | PCR | Beta-tubulin intron III gene | [61] | Detection level: 0.5% and 1% |
Sheep/goat, bovine, chicken, duck, and pig | Multiplex-PCR | Nuclear DNA | [62] | Limit of detection: 0.5 ng |
Chicken, beef, mutton, pork, duck, goose, venison, horse meat, donkey meat, fish, shrimp, and crab | PCR-sensor | Mitochondrial cytb gene | [63] | Detection level: 0.01% |
Cattle, buffalo, goat, sheep, pig, and chicken | PCR-FINS | Mitochondrial cytb gene and the ATP synthase F0 Subunit 8 genes | [64] | NA |
Duck, chicken, goose, wild goose, quail, goat, sheep, pork, beef, horse, and donkey | Hexaplex-qPCR | Mitochondrial ND4, COI, COII, 12S rRNA, and 16S rRNA genes | [65] | Limit of detection: 0.01–0.1 ng |
Chicken, mutton, beef, and pork | Multiplex-qPCR | Nuclear TGFB3, PRLR, ND5, and ACTB genes | [66] | Detection level: 0.002 ng |
PCR, polymerase chain reaction; qPCR, real-time/quantitative polymerase chain reaction; SINEs, short interspersed elements; IL-2, interleukin-2; cytb, cytochrome b; ND2, NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2; COI, cytochrome c oxidase subunit I; ddPCR, droplet digital polymerase chain reaction; RPA1, replication protein A1; HRM, high resolution melting analysis; LAMP, direct loop-mediated isothermal amplification assay; ND5, NADH dehydrogenase 5; PCR-FINS, polymerase chain reaction-forensically informative sequencing; TGFB3, transforming growth factor beta-3; PRLR, prolactin receptor; ACTB, beta-actin.