Figure 5.
The average mass concentrations of IMPROVE species (μg m−3) for BB-impacted days (in blue) with anomalously high deseasonalized PM2.5 levels (>90th percentile) (called BB + PM2.5) and non-BB days (in red) with available IMPROVE data for the study period (January 1, 2005 through December 31, 2018). Numbers in parenthesis after each IMPROVE site label represents: # of days with available IMPROVE data that qualified as a BB day and also exhibited anomalously high deseasonalized PM2.5 levels (>90th percentile)/# of days with available IMPROVE data that qualified as a BB day. For each box-plot, 25th percentile, the median, and 75th percentile are denoted with the bottom, middle, and top lines of the box, respectively. Extreme values are presented as colored circles, based on a distance of 1.5 × interquartile range from the top of each box. Maximum and minimum values are depicted by whiskers, not including the extreme values. Boxes with notches and shaded regions that do not overlap have statistically different medians with 95% confidence. Seasonal results are in Tables S7–S10 in Supporting Information S1.