Figure 13.
(a) Schematic, brightfield and fluorescent images (top, middle, bottom respectively) of (i) formation of spheroid loaded with MSC in support bath, (ii) transfer of spheroid to self-healing support hydrogel followed by (iii) deposition of spheroid within support hydrogel. (b) Rheological characterization and demonstration of (i) shear thinning properties of the guest-host support self-healing hydrogel. (ii) self-healing properties: storage modulus and loss modulus. (c) demonstration of reversible interactions between spheroid and support hydrogel. (i,ii) yielding of the support hydrogel post spheroid translation and the resulting (iii) rapid healing of the support hydrogel after spheroid translation. (iv) mapping the displacement of the support hydrogel highlighting the local motion of the hydrogel around the spheroid. (Reproduced with permission from Ref. [193] under Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY)).