Fig. 6.
Δ17O values of individual host chondrules and isolated olivine grains in Paris. Relict olivine (ol.) and low-Ca pyroxene (Lpx) grains are shown together. Data are sorted according to the host Δ17O values. Chondrule C9 (GO) contains homogeneously 16O-poor olivine, which is likely relict. A single analysis of pyroxene would represent melt oxygen isotope ratios that show lower Δ17O compared to other host chondrule values. For the heterogeneous chondrule C15 (II PO) and isolated Fe-poor olivine grain G24, individual analyses are shown. Error bars represents the propagated uncertainties for host chondrules and olivine in C9 and external reproducibility of individual analyses for relict grains, pyroxene in C9, and all data in C15 and G24.