Skeletal muscle extracellular matrix immunohistochemistry showing representative images of collagen I (Panel A) and III (Panel B) staining in patients who underwent bariatric surgery and engaged or not in exercise training. Muscle biopsies were taken at baseline (PRE) and 3 (POST3) and 9 (POST9) months after the surgery. The 6-month exercise intervention started at POST3. A healthy lean group served as controls. Note that exercise training was able to reduce both collagen I and III, as compared with surgery alone. In the group who exercised, collagen profiles resembled those of healthy, lean controls. These data are well-aligned with other phenotyping and genotyping characterization that collectively showed substantial extracellular remodeling following exercise, but not by bariatric surgery alone. For further details, the readers may refer to Dantas et al. (24), from where this figure was adapted.