Figure 4.
Ranges and distributions of total anthocyanins (TA, a) and anthocyanin compositionsof anthocyanidin (b), hydroxylation (c), methylation (d), glucosylation (e) and acylation (f) in ripe berry skins belonging to the three grape groups from 2017 2018. * indicates significant difference (p < 0.05) vs. V. vinifera grapes for each indicator by Welch’s ANOVA with the Games–Howell test. # indicates significant difference (p < 0.05) vs. interspecific hybrids. Abbreviations: Dp, delphinidin derivatives; Cy, cyanidin derivatives; Pt, petunidin derivatives; Pg, pelargonidin derivatives; Pn, peonidin derivatives; Mv, malvidin derivatives; MonoOH, monohydroxylated anthocyanins; DiOH, dihydroxylated anthocyanins; TriOH, trihydroxylated anthocyanins; Met, methylated anthocyanins; Nonmet, nonmethylated anthocyanins; MonoGlc, monoglucoside anthocyanins; DiGlc, diglucosides anthocyanins; TriGlc, speculated triglucosides anthocyanins; Cf, caffeoyl anthocyanins; Cm, coumaryl anthocyanins; Ac, acetyl anthocyanins; Nonacy, nonacylated anthocyanins. The abbreviations of grape groups follow Figure 1.