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. 2021 Nov 5;26(21):6696. doi: 10.3390/molecules26216696

Table 2.

Retention times, MS/MS2 m/z values and mean contents (μg MGE/g DM) of anthocyanin compounds detected in the skins of grape cultivars/accessions belonging to the three study groups by Q-Exactive orbitrap MS.

Rt (min). MS; MS2 (m/z) Anthocyanin V. amurensis Interspecific Hybrids V. vinifera
Mean SE Mean SE Mean SE
2.41 789; 627,465,303 Dp-3,5,7-triglc * 35.96 21.63 6.37 5.53
2.97 773; 611,449,287 Cy-3,5,7-triglc * 26.88 15.48 4.19 3.31
3.01 627; 465,303 Dp-3,5-diglc 4608.23 3395.62 321.30 352.87 15.79 19.66
3.11 803; 641; 479,317 Pt-3,5,7-triglc * 26.15 18.45 15.14 32.68
3.48 611; 449,287 Cy-3,5-diglc 3229.93 2843.26 311.09 406.38
3.57 787; 625,463,301 Pn-3,5,7-triglc * 7.34 6.81 8.69 7.60
3.73 817; 655,493,331 Mv-3,5,7-triglc * 681.46 1404.39 33.16 20.69
3.72 641; 479,317 Pt-3,5-diglc 3157.22 2087.73 388.53 321.75
3.91 465; 303 Dp-3-glc 861.17 824.13 1261.65 1607.40 148.58 194.19
3.99 595; 433,271 Pg-3,5-diglc 16.01 10.77 3.38 2.32
4.18 625; 463,301 Pn-3,5-diglc 3027.85 2968.72 802.29 562.95
4.26 655; 493,331 Mv-3,5-diglc 17,344.52 6146.84 4273.00 2643.70 1.75 0.49
4.4 669; 507,465,303 Dp-3-acglc-5-glc 4.91 5.00 6.99 8.67
4.42 449; 287 Cy-3-glc 235.81 179.96 321.29 306.54 48.17 59.19
4.7 479; 317 Pt-3-glc 302.33 204.74 477.40 351.41 168.02 181.37
4.96 433; 271 Pg-3-glc 1.02 0.96 1.27 1.01 0.78 0.79
5.09 653; 491,449,287 Cy-3-acglc-5-glc 14.65 14.83 28.60 81.11
5.09 683; 521,479,317 Pt-3-acglc-5-glc 16.37 7.44 67.33 201.79
5.17 463; 301 Pn-3-glc 67.85 52.91 233.71 214.31 261.38 163.51
5.34 493; 331 Mv-3-glc 434.03 287.52 1350.04 867.34 2502.94 2426.91
5.6 667; 505,463,301 Pn-3-acglc-5-glc 15.93 17.60 6.84 3.98
5.6 697; 535,493,331 Mv-3-acglc-5-glc 71.59 38.15 32.77 27.89
5.61 963; 801,639,493,331 Mv-3-cmglc-5-glc-7-glc * 3.84 2.48
5.76 789; 627,465,303 Dp-3-cfglc-5-glc 17.65 39.97
5.73 507; 303 Dp-3-acglc 2.73 4.62 23.10 58.79 9.96 13.93
6.17 803; 641,479,317 Pt-3-cfglc-5-glc 9.02 15.20
6.18 773; 611,465,303
/773; 611,449,287
/Cy-3-cfglc-5-glc #
10.19 25.14 213.59 636.50
6.2 491; 287 Cy-3-acglc 1.01 0.94 3.72 3.18 2.96 4.21
6.33 521; 317 Pt-3-acglc 0.88 0.64 10.93 13.32 21.02 25.23
6.16 627; 303 Dp-3-cfglc 0.67 1.14 0.18 0.23
6.6 817; 655,493, 331 Mv-3-cfglc-5-glc 2.24 0.00 21.62 32.73
6.56 611; 287 Cy-3-cfglc 0.07 0.04 0.56 0.91
6.61 757; 595,449,287 Cy-3-cmglc-5-glc 1.07 1.49 23.54 35.97
6.62 787; 625,479,317
/787; 625,463, 301
/Pn-3-cfglc-5-glc #
4.24 8.92 54.50 107.03
6.84 505; 301 Pn-3-acglc 0.36 0.33 3.07 3.19 29.84 21.99
6.91 535; 331 Mv-3-acglc 1.83 1.68 22.46 29.21 191.51 38.03
6.73 641; 317 Pt-3-cfglc 0.25 0.29 0.46 0.60
6.93 611; 303 Dp-3-cmglc 0.51 0.56 2.25 4.85 8.49 14.50
7.07 771; 609,463,301 Pn-3-cmglc-5-glc 0.94 1.06 14.56 10.38
7.02 801; 639,493,331 Mv-3-cmglc-5-glc 1.10 1.08 94.32 142.02
7.07 625; 301 Pn-3-cfglc 0.19 0.23 4.53 6.12
7.23 655; 331 Mv-3-cfglc 0.57 1.50 18.88 15.31
7.37 595; 287 Cy-3-cmglc 0.13 0.24 3.62 6.06
7.48 625; 317 Pt-3-cmglc 0.69 1.18 14.31 23.56
8.25 609; 301 Pn-3-cmglc 0.36 0.69 29.73 42.93
8.37 639; 331 Mv-3-cmglc 0.00 0.00 4.60 10.86 197.95 256.04

* indicates the anthocyanin compound was speculated according to m/z values. And they were quantified using malvidin-3,5-O-diglucoside as standards. # indicates the two anthocyanin compounds were not separated according to m/z values.And they were quantified as the p-coumaroyl derivatives due to the fragment ion abundance. Abbreviations: Dp, delphinidin; Cy, cyanidin; Pt, petunidin; Pg, pelargonidin; Pn, peonidin; Mv, malvidin; triglc, triglucosides; diglc, diglucosides; glc, monoglucoside; acglc, (6-acetyl)-glucoside; cmglc, (6-coumaroyl)-glucoside; cfglc, (6-caffeoyl)-glucoside.