Figure 3.
PDZbms associated with syntenin interactions. (A) The scavenger receptor cysteine-rich superfamily member CD6 molecule, expressed on T cells, recognizes ALCAM on APCs, stabilizing the immunological synapses, favoring T cell activation and proliferation through a PDZbm (ISAA) binding with a PDZ domain of syntenin (left). Blocking these PDZ-dependent interactions with specific peptides may inhibit Tcell activation and proliferation (right). (B) Recognition of the cytokine IL5 by IL-5R induces the interaction between the PDZbm DSVF and syntenin, leading to eosinophil differentiation and survival (left). Eosinophil survival can be blocked by antibodies against IL-5 and possibly by a specific peptide that interferes with the interaction between DSVF and syntenin (right).