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. 2021 Nov 12;37:100524. doi: 10.1016/j.epidem.2021.100524

Table 2.

Parameter descriptions for ventilation-system effect evaluations. *All simulated worlds were square-shaped. Based on linear modeling described in Appendix S2, these values equate to 1 (SD = 0) and 970 (SD = 390) quanta/hr. Standard deviations are given in parentheses. §Das et al. (2020) estimated the average travel distance of a 100-micrometer droplet expelled from a height of 1.7 m at a velocity of 0.5 m/s to be 0.55 m. They also found that the majority of 100-μm droplets will fall 0.55–2.35 m away from the expelling individual, depending on initial velocity, but droplets may settle up to 3.2 m away very rarely. a random draw of 10,000,000 samples from a log-normal distribution parameterized using 1.7-m and 0.2095-m droplet spread distance mean and standard deviation values, respectively, generated a distribution in line with this finding. The standard deviation we use in simulations for non-coughing expectoration is proportionate to the one used in this random draw. These parameter values were only used when the Forced air parameter value was set to “on.” #These parameter values were only used when the Forced air parameter value was set to “off.” **All patches on the east side of the simulated world acted as supply vents. All patches on the west side acted as return vents. ††Zero-percent mask efficacy is equivalent to no mask use. ‡‡Instead of specifying a fixed number of individuals in simulations, we scaled the simulated population with world size.

Parameter/Model Input Value (s) Reference (s)
Infectiousness parameters
Cough frequency (coughs/min) 0.19 Lee et al., 2012
Droplet count (droplets/expectoration) 1000 (0), 9.7e5 (3.9e5) Miller et al., 2020,Appendix S2
Droplet spread angle – coughing (º) 35 Kwon et al., 2012
Droplet spread angle – not coughing (º) 63.5 Kwon et al., 2012
Droplet travel distance – coughing (m) 5 (0.256) Bourouiba et al., 2014
Droplet travel distance – not coughing (m) 0.55 (0.068)‡§ Das et al., 2020
Scenario environment and individual behavior inputs
Area (m2)* 9, 36, 81
Expectoration height (m) 1.7 Fryar et al., 2018
Inhalation rate (m3 air/min) 0.023 Adams, 1993
Maximum people in a single 1-m2 patch (people) 2 Hamner et al., 2020
Number of infectious individuals (people) 1
Proportion of infectious individuals that are symptomatic (%) 0, 100
Scenario virion behavior inputs
Virion count (virions/mL fluid) 2.35e9 Wölfel et al., 2020
Virion decay rate (%/min) 1.05, 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90 van Doremalen et al., 2020
Virion infection risk (%/inhaled virion) 6.24 Appendix S2
Scenario airflow inputs
Diffusion rate (m3/min) 1.5e-3 Castillo and Weibel, 2018
Forced air on, off
Forced air direction** East-to-West
Air change rate (%/min) 0#, 1, 5, 10, 25, 50
Re-circulated air filtration (%/min) 0#,1, 5, 90, 100
Scenario intervention inputs
Attempted social distancing (m) 0
Contact duration (min) 10, 30, 60
Mask efficacy (%) 0††
Population density (people/m2)‡‡ 0.333, 0.667, 1, 1.667