Body weight and serum biochemical changes after hEnSCs injections. All animals except for the intact group received cisplatin (5 mg/ kg, IP) on day 1. After 3 hours, the cell group received 1×106 hEnSCs in 200 µl PBS. A. Mean body weights of the treated animals. B. The collected serum samples are from days 3 and 5 after cisplatin. Following hEnSCs injections the levels of BUN, SCr, ion Na, and K were analyzed as shown here. Each column presents mean ± SEM. a-d; Show significant differences between groups (P˂0.05), hEnSCs; Human endometrial stromal/stem cells, IP; Intraperitoneal, PBS; Phosphate-buffered saline, BUN; Blood urea nitrogen, SCr; Serum creatinine, Na; Sodium, and K; Potassium.