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Results of stool testing with IFA

Genus Time (mo) and fixative No. of samples negative with kit/no. negative by microscopy No. of samples positive with kit/no. positive by microscopy (%) No. of samples with the following no. of parasitesa/total no. of samples (%):
Rare Few Moderate Many
Giardia 0
 Formalin 5/5 25/27 (92) 1/27 (3) 4/27 (15) 7/27 (26) 13/27 (48)
 STF 4/4 24/26 (92) 6/26 (23) 7/26 (27) 6/26 (23) 5/26 (19)
 Formalin 6/6 17/19 (89) 2/19 (11) 2/19 (11) 5/19 (25) 8/19 (42)
 STF 6/6 18/19 (94) 7/19 (37) 3/19 (16) 3/19 (16) 5/19 (26)
Cryptosporidium 0
 Formalin 31/31 1/1 (100) 0 1/1 (100) 0 0
 STF 29/29 1/1 (100) 1/1 (100) 0 0 0
 Formalin 24/24 1/1 (100) 0 1/1 (100) 0 0
 STF 24/24 0/1 (0) 0 0 0 0

See Materials and Methods.