Fig. 2.
a Mean number of TED signs and symptoms experienced by patients during the chronic phase of TED. b Proportion of patients with a TED-specific surgical history in the low, middle, and high tercile QOL groups. The number of patients who underwent at least one TED-related procedure was significantly higher in the low QOL tercile than in the high QOL tercile (45% vs. 10% [includes orbital radiation], p = 0.002). Percentages represent the proportion of patients within each QOL tercile who underwent the listed procedure. It should be noted that some patients in the low and middle QOL groups underwent more than one type of procedure. QOL groups were determined using overall GO-QOL score (low: ≤ 50 [n = 33], middle: between 50 and 75 [n = 37], high: ≥ 75 [n = 30]). *Indicates statistical significance from the high QOL tercile (p ≤ 0.001)