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. 2021 Nov 12;12:6568. doi: 10.1038/s41467-021-26773-z

Fig. 4. VT-LCTEM analysis of PEG-b-PDEGMA-b-PHPMA triblock copolymers.

Fig. 4

a Structure of PEG-b-PDEGMA-b-PHPMA triblock copolymer used for LCTEM studies. b Dry state TEM image of the triblock copolymer, highlighting formation of 60 nm micelles. c VT-DLS of 5 wt% triblock in water heated from 25 °C (green) to 65 °C (red) and cooled to 25 °C (blue). d Single frames of raw, cropped regions of interest for each timepoint are shown in Supplementary Fig. 8. These images are from a VT-LCTEM experiment on 15 wt% triblock in water imaged at a flux of 0.8 eÅ− 2s− 1and heated to 60 °C. e Segmented region of interest for each timepoint. f Each timepoint with a 6-shade false color filter. g Grayscale radial profile of raw images with a 300-pixel radius at the dense center of each nanostructure. h 6-shade false color radial profile of raw images with a 300-pixel radius at the center of each nanostructure. Source data are provided as a Source data file.