Figure 2.
Trace map of the full-field retinography and flash VEPs in all cynomolgus monkeys. (A) A scotopic 0.01 ERG showing the mean peak latency and amplitudes of b-wave (71.99 ± 5.23 ms and 96.36 ± 24.46 µV, respectively). (B) A scotopic 3.0 ERG showing the mean peak latency of the a-wave and b-wave (14.78 ± 1.00 and 32.89 ± 1.81 ms, respectively). The amplitudes of the a-wave and b-wave are 128.36 ± 31.68 and 132.71 ± 26.34 µV, respectively. (C) A scotopic 10.0 ERG showing the mean peak latency of the a-wave and b-wave (13.98 ± 0.94 and 13.98 ± 0.94 ms, respectively). The mean amplitudes of the a-wave and b-wave are 90.97 ± 25.09 and 79.70 ± 19.08 µV, respectively. (D) The oscillatory potential with a mean amplitude of 32.34 ± 11.62 µV. (E) A photopic 3.0 ERG showing the mean peak latency of the a-wave and b-wave (12.91 ± 1.03 and 31.79 ± 2.16 ms, respectively). The mean amplitudes of the a-wave and b-wave are 27.13 ± 7.39 and 79.86 ± 19.21 µV, respectively. (F) The 30-Hz flicker ERG with a mean amplitude of 99.63 ± 26.21 µV. (G) The trace map of flash VEP is shown. The p1-wave, the n2-wave, and p-2 wave peak latencies were 18.59 ± 3.24, 39.71 ± 6.71, and 79.76 ± 8.41 ms, respectively.