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. 2021 Nov 12;16:49. doi: 10.1186/s12995-021-00341-z

Table 3.

Full-Field ERGs. Amplitude of a- and b-Waves for the SRR, MSR, OP, Flicker 30 Hz and SFCR

Full-field ERGs All patients Control
p-values 95%CI Group 1a Control
p-values 95%CI
SRR a-wave (μV) RE −14.74 ± 18.6 − 11.39 ± 13.56 0.5322 − 10.25 ± 4.23 −11.39 ± 13.56 0.7923
LE −8.0 ± 9.06 − 6.81 ± 7.36 0.6595 − 9.90 ± 4.53 −6.81 ± 7.36 0.2278
b-wave (μV) RE 264.42 ± 76.3 210.6 ± 80.49 0.0329 [− 103,0 to − 4,6] 188.0 ± 55.09 210.6 ± 80.49 0.4268
LE 262.03 ± 76.7 203.3 ± 77.83 0.0194 [−107,5 to − 9,9] 182.3 ± 49.46 203.3 ± 77.83 0.4373
MSR a-wave (μV) RE −160.21 ± 58.8 − 196.9 ± 55.01 0.0480 [−73,0 to − 0,33] −103.7 ± 31.6 −196.9 ± 55.01 < 0.0001 [−131.2 to − 55.2]
LE −159.37 ± 63.6 − 187.2 ± 48.16 0.1369 − 102.1 ± 28.1 − 187.2 ± 48.16 < 0.0001 [− 118.4, to − 51.7]
b-wave (μV) RE 414.67 ± 86.4 413.3 ± 102,7 0.9626 331.3 ± 82.24 413.3 ± 102,7 0.037 [53.29 to 158.7]
LE 403.92 ± 92.6 421.8 ± 96.90 0.5478 319.3 ± 83.02 421.8 ± 96.90 0.0085 [28.61, to 176.4]
OP amplitude (μV) RE 235.9 ± 106.5 570.02 ± 254.9 < 0.0001 [198,7 to 469,5] 309.5 ± 71.32 570.02 ± 254.9 0.003
LE 252.5 ± 175.8 525.93 ± 239.4 0.0003 [135,0 to 411,8] 292.0 ± 73.8 525.93 ± 239.4 0.004


30 Hz

b-wave (μV) RE 90.40 ± 28.5 85.46 ± 19.17 0.5408 64.75 ± 9.87 85.46 ± 19.17 0.0030 [7.716 to 33.70]
LE 90.13 ± 32.8 80.69 ± 17.49 0.2798 61.02 ± 7.56 80.69 ± 17.49 0.0018 [8.081 to 31.26]
SFCR a-wave (μV) RE −13.19 ± 5.72 − 13.30 ± 13.43 0.9699 −9.85 ± 2.38 −13.30 ± 13.43 0.4100
LE −13.62 ± 6.15 − 14.28 ± 14.72 0.8356 − 9.92 ± 3.55 − 14.28 ± 14.72 0.3473
b-wave (μV) RE 65.09 ± 22.6 91.08 ± 11.5 0.2555 44.50 ± 14.08 91.08 ± 11.5 < 0.0001 [36.42 to 56.74]
LE 64.04 ± 24.7 56,89 ± 15.07 0.3003 44.65 ± 14.65 56,89 ± 15.07 0.0463 [0.217 to 24.2]

Data are presented as mean ± SD or as numbers. SRR scotopic rod response, MSR maximal scotopic response, OP oscillatory potential, Flicker 30 Hz flicker 30 Hz, SFCR single flash cone response, μV microvolts; RE right eye, LE left eye, CI confidence interval, Amp amplitude

aGroup 1 (n = 11): constituted by a subgroup of patients with evident visual disturbances in their VF. Patients with concentric constriction (17 eyes) and hemi-field defects (5 eyes) patterns