Fig. 5.
Heatmap representing correlations between N1 and N2 concentrations (adjusted using a variety of different parameters, shown) and number of new cases at each site. Numbers show Pearson's r value. Top five rows have not been adjusted for processing losses, whereas bottom five rows use N1 or N2 values that have been adjusted using OC43 recovery efficiency values. “Raw” refers to concentration estimates based on droplet counts alone. “Flow-adjusted” (second and seventh row) refers to raw concentrations adjusted to copies/day based on corresponding flow measurements. All other rows show ratio of specified N1 or N2 concentration and fecal indicator. Stars show Bayes factor (order of magnitude support for alternative hypothesis over null hypothesis): * = BF10 > 10; ** = BF10 > 30; *** = BF10 > 100.