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. 2021 Nov 15;40(1):122–132. doi: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2021.11.026

Fig. 1d.

Fig. 1d

Proportion of survey responses citing primary reason for not receiving seasonal flu vaccine, by CDC Epidemiological Week (N = 1768)*. (*Does not include responses from those already vaccinated against seasonal flu (n = 1977) or those that answered “prefer not to say” (n = 144), Overall proportion of responses that were included as “Other reason”: “Do not have the time to get vaccinated” (4.2%); “Not required for work or school” (0.4%); “Not recommended by a doctor or healthcare worker” (0.2%); “Not covered by health insurance” (0.4%); “Not offered at a convenient location” (2.9%); “None of the above” (40%).)