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. 2021 Nov 1;9:731062. doi: 10.3389/fcell.2021.731062


The potential roles of exosomes in treating BC.

Roles Donor cells Specific drug Recipient cells Results References
Exosomes as complementary tools in liquid biopsy / / / Predicting outcomes Rodríguez-Martínez et al., 2019
Predicting resistance Salvador-Coloma et al., 2020
Aiding treatment choices Wang Y. L. et al., 2019
Exosomes as potential carriers Bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells Anti-miRNA-142-3p BC cells The tumorigenicity of BC was reduced Naseri et al., 2018
M1-polarized macrophages Paclitaxel BC cells Paclitaxel-M1-exosomes exhibited higher anti-tumor effects Wang P. et al., 2019
Macrophages Doxorubicin TNBC cells Increased inhibition of tumor growth and induced intense tumor apoptosis Li et al., 2020
HEK293T cells Anti-human CD3 and anti-human HER2 antibodies HER2-expressing BC cells Exhibited highly potent and specific anti-tumor activity Shi et al., 2020
Exosome-based vaccines Her2 specific dendritic cells Polyclonal CD4 + T cells HER2-positive BC cells CTL proliferation, IFN-γ production, and rescuing CTL cytotoxic effect was induced Li R. et al., 2018
BC cells MiR-155, miR-142, and let-7i Immature dendritic cells The immune stimulation ability was enhanced and led to maturation of dendritic cells Taghikhani et al., 2019
Implications of exosomes in metastatic BC therapy Nischarin-positive cells Nischarin BC cells BC cells motility and tumor growth were reduced Maziveyi et al., 2019
BC cells CBSA/siS100A4@Exosome Lung pre-metastatic niche Postoperative breast cancer metastasis was suppressed Zhao et al., 2020
BC cells Antibody-tagged exosomes Macrophages EV-triggered metastasis in BC was disrupted Nishida-Aoki et al., 2017
BC cells MiRNA-126 A546 lung cancer cells The formulation of lung metastasis was inhibited Nie et al., 2020
Modulation of exosomal secretion Docetaxel-resistant BC cells d Rhamnose β-hederin / The formation and release of exosomes derived from docetaxel-resistant BC cells was reduced Chen et al., 2018
BC cells A selective leptin receptor antagonist-the peptide LDFI (Leu-Asp-Phe-Ile) The release of BC cell-derived exosomes was impaired Giordano et al., 2019